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February is American Heart Month; it’s also the month of Valentines, love and romance. In keeping with the theme of beating hearts, I thought it would be a good time to talk about the stuff that actually flows through those beating hearts. Yes, we’re talking about blood. The transporter of oxygen, energy, salts and, well, life.

Most people know that one of the key components of our blood, the platelets, are responsible for the crucial role of forming clots in order to heal wounds and cuts. While most health gurus will tell you that inflammation is a bad thing (and for good reason), there are a few times when inflammation is truly fantastic! The ability of our bodies to send platelets to our wounds is one of the really positive inflammatory responses we possess.

some might say “low tech”—form of skin care, but with today’s modern equipment it can be extremely effective.

Most of our readers will be familiar with the concept of “exfolia- tion,” and chances are that most women have bought or used exfoli- ants at some point in their lives. Exfoliants are abrasive since they’re designed to remove layers of dead skin cells.

By comparison, micro-needling does not involve the scraping or

to heal wounds and cuts. While most health gurus will tell you that inflammation is a bad thing (and for good reason), there are times when inflammation is truly fantastic! The ability of our bodies to send platelets to our wounds is one of the really positive inflammatory responses we possess.

It is the healing potential of these platelets that has drawn favorable attention in the medical community for quite some time. We’ve not only developed the ability to enrich blood plasma by actually concentrating the quantity of platelets within it, but the many ways this “Platelet Rich Plasma” (PRP) can be used to heal.

The application of what’s called Regenerative Medicine can even spare you from surgery!

With precise injections, PRP can be directed at tendons, ligaments, muscles, bones and joints with remarkable success rates (e.g. a reported 75% improvement for arthritis!)

In the world of aesthetics, we can also use it to heal the skin, albeit with much smaller needles!

Micro-needling is the process of using clusters of teensy-tiny needles to quickly penetrate the skin at very shallow depths in order to invoke your body’s natural healing response. It’s an ancient—and some might say “low tech”—form of skin care, but with today’s modern equipment it can be extremely effective.

Most of our readers will be familiar with the concept of “exfoliation,” and chances are that most women have bought or used exfoliants at some point in their lives. Exfoliants are abrasive since they’ve designed to remove layers of dead skin cells.

By comparison, micro-needling does not involve the scraping or removal of epidermal layers. The process simply stimulates your skin to react, and causes a surge in collagen production. This in turns results in smoother and firmer skin, the filling-out of fine lines and wrinkles, and it can even help diminish scars. The whole procedure, which is relatively painless and involves no downtime afterwards, has become a go-to treatment for many looking to keep their skin in great condition.

For those who want to boost the effect of this process, we can incorporate the use of PRP. After a pass with the micro-needling wand, the skin is then massaged with a person’s own platelets. And for those wondering, yes, this is why it has come to be known as the “Vampire Facial.” It can’t promise you eternal life, as could a bite from one of those mythical vamps, but it can return a youthful glow to your cheeks!